Friday, October 21, 2011

Life as a Social Entrepreneur

The first business venture I thought of was a Special Education Center. In our country alone, over 50,000 kids are children with special education needs but are out of school. This is mainly for the reason that parents could not afford to send their special kid to a special education school because price ranges from P50,000 to P80,000 per school year. I did my ENSCAN class in ESA and I was able to determine how I could help these special kids. But as always, the capital requirement is too high and my resources are not enough to put up a special education school. 
But my financial incapability of putting up a school for special children didn’t stop me from dreaming and pursuing my passion for helping.
I did a lot of researches on the unserved or underserved segments in the education field. I looked on every aspect and one day, all my hard work has paid off. I said to myself, “If I can’t help children, I will help the teachers.”
I thought of a lending business that caters to the elementary and high school public school teachers. My objective is to provide public school teachers with low interest rate short –term loans for their immediate financial needs. 
In my nine months of operation,  I had helped 249 public school teachers of 6 different municipalites in the province of Batangas. With a few more marketing and aggressive advertising, I am in full hope to capture 100% market share of the public school teachers of the 6 municipalites I am currently serving. 
If God forbids, towards the end of this year, we are in full hope to start catering to some parts of the Taal / Cavite province.

                        "THAT IN ALL THINGS, GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED! "

Social entrepreneur,
Rizz :)